hit your next level, ON AND OFF THE RACE COURSE.

You and I have a lot in common.

We are athletes, through and through.

We know the power sport has to elevate our lives.

We love it. Or else we wouldn’t spend countless hours weekly, swimming, biking and running. Or sacrifice a social life for training time. Or be so confident walking into the world smelling of chorine and dry shampoo.

This is who we are.

And I know you wear the title of athlete with pride just as much as I do.

You chose this sport because it challenges you like nothing else. You balance training, work responsibilities, family commitments and sometimes even meal prep. You are a moving juggling act at all times.

You are committed and work hard. You even have a few results you’re proud of to prove it.

What’s also happening in your world:

  • It feels like you’re training all the time, but not actually improving.

  • There are moments of inspiration when you think, “This is amazing, I’m going to blow that PR out of the water, I’m strong and capable!” which is quickly replaced by “There is no way I can race that fast for that long. Why am I even trying?”

  • You’re constantly finding yourself checking out what that fast athlete on Instagram is doing.

  • You’re doubting if your coach is the right coach for you. Maybe if you switched coaches, you’d race faster?

  • You find it hard to see progress towards your goal. Somehow it seems further away some days.

  • What you want more than anything is to feel more confident in what you’re working towards

Here’s the best news I have for you.

What if I told you that you’re exactly in the right place to start working towards your next level performance?

By the way, that next level could be a shiny new PR, a goal run split, a podium, a Kona qualification, you get to name it!

What if I told you you don’t have to change your schedule, priorities or your coach?

What it takes to get the results you want

You already have the drive to get to where you want to go. You know race results are not magical apparitions that appear on race day.

The only reason that you don’t already have the result you want is this: while you understand the concept of training your body, you have not yet learned how to train your mind.

And that’s something you can learn. It’s not rocket science.

We’re going to do it together.

If you could have any race result, what would it be?

You get to decide, always.

What do you want to create?

The most important part of the process is that you come knowing what result you want to create. What your next level is.

You get to decide, always.

It could be a shiny new PR, a goal run split, a race ranking, a Worlds or Kona qualification.

When you create that result, you will be a stronger athlete, both mentally and physically. You will be on that next level. And not just on the race course, but off the race course too.

That’s the most beautiful part.

The athlete you become while achieving that shiny Kona qualification is a reflection of the person you become in the process.

And guess what? This is no BS. It’s not reserved for the special, lucky, “fast” athletes.

It takes commitment and work. It won’t happen overnight. But it is not a mystery. There is a clearly defined process to it.

I did it to create my first Ironman podium AND Kona qualification. I have spent hundreds of hours coaching athletes how to do the same and I can show you too.

Lace up those racing shoes because you will be the athlete who has crossed the finish line with exactly the result you want.

The first step is scheduling a consult call to make sure we are a HELL YES to work together.

what does it take?

Let me break it down for you.

If you’ve been a dedicated coached athlete for at least three years, here are the ONLY FOUR skills you have not mastered to create the result you want:

  • Self- Awareness

  • Performance Thinking

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Self- Confidence

By the time our time is up, none of these will be an issue. Our one-on-one calls will deep dive in to each and every one of them.

This will turn you from the athlete you are to the athlete you want to be. The first step is scheduling a consult call where we will talk about you and what you want.

Here’s the truth. There is no such thing as a special unicorn. NO, NOT EVEN ME.

Yes, I went from a middle of the pack age grouper to a Kona qualifier…and did it in a race with a lot of the circumstances “not in my favor.”

But I didn’t do it by buying all of the most expensive gear, seeking out the coach with the most successful athletes or going to high end training camps to be assessed by professionals.

I did it by using my human brain. A brain that is just like YOUR human brain.

My journey was like this:

  • I completed by first Ironman and thought it would be my last (like most of us). Two more Ironman races later, I was still hovering around the same result. I was haphazard at best, loved the sport, but wasn't really progressing.

  • I was stuck in the comparison trap. Everyone around me was getting faster and I spent so much time comparing myself to them. I was doubtful all of the time.

  • I rarely got through any hard interval sessions without backing down effort (pace, power, etc.) because I was sure I couldn’t handle it. And then I judged myself harshly for quitting.

  • I didn’t even address my mindset. I had no idea that the brain was similar to a muscle in that it needed to be trained, built up and leveraged to execute top end performances.

    Do I sound like a special unicorn? Hell no.

What I learned through all of this:

There is no such thing as a special unicorn.

You definitely don’t need to be a sponsored or professional athlete to figure it out.

And you don’t need to be a ‘gifted’ athlete. That is NOT a thing.

If you really want it, you can create any result you want and I’m on a mission to prove it true.

The proof is in this program. Let’s get to work so you can blow your own mind on what’s possible. It’s so fun.

The first step? Book a consult call. We both need to make sure this is the right fit.

Here’s what other athletes had to say

If you are willing to do the work, and allow yourself to be open to changing thought process through mindset coaching, you are in for a treat. Your entire world might just change for the better. It has influenced my race/workout performance in so many ways. But, it has also changed my perspective on how I deal with difficult situations and people at work.
— Erika
Vanessa really helped me to understand that what’s going on in my mind can be changed, but that it takes active work on my part. However, the work didn’t feel like work, because I was able to do it within the context of workouts and every day occurances. And within the context of workouts, it helped to get me through some of those sucky parts to be focusing on what we had discussed, rather than whatever my current sufferfest was.
— Eedee
I just wanted to share how valuable the work we’ve done in the past few months is. Vanessa has helped me in more ways than I can list and I am so thankful for that. This work has added so much clarity and value to my life.
— Rene
Working with Vanessa will give you the tools to show up for yourself and uncover the best version of you along the way. She does this by asking extremely high level questions in very low-key ways and creating action plans from there. Vanessa has assisted in bringing to light who I’ve always been and has led me to see for myself what my true value is – an investment that has infinite purpose. I will forever be grateful for our time together and will use her techniques for the rest of my life.
— Amy
I’m less hard on myself during training, racing, and life in general. If a session didn’t go great, it’s not indicative of my level of fitness or mental “toughness”. Also, learning both from the sessions that don’t go great and the ones that do. Being grateful and excited for the opportunity to train and race, which is something I was not really doing prior to working with Vanessa, and even at times during our time together. I actually took moments during my races this year to acknowledge that I was having FUN! Which is something I hadn’t done for a while.
— Seeley

2021 Results:

St. George 70.3: 3rd AG

Oregon 70.3: 3rd AG

70.3 Worlds: 12th AG

Oceanside 70.3: 1st AG

I feel much more aware of my psychological habits and therefore able to enhance or alter them to better serve my goals and my happiness. I see that my happiness in training and in much of life depends on my choice of how I frame things, mentally. Even those things I can’t control, like weather, can be re-framed mentally to gain a more positive experience and outcome. I can choose to spend time making decisions and acting upon them instead of agonizing over them. I can choose to detach from people who negatively impact me rather than dwelling on what they say or do. I can choose to control my own races and training rather than fret about whether those things compare “favorably” with the races and training of other people.

I am the driver of my own life, the writer of my own script.
— Jen
Reflecting on the type of person and athlete I am now, I feel like I am much more committed to taking “massive action.” I look at challenges not as non-starters but manageable tasks. This gives me a sense of calm and confidence even when the challenge is massive and I am doubtful. I validate and examine my feelings instead of shaming myself for having them. I choose my paths forward instead of letting circumstances overwhelm me. I also feel like I have become less attached to small details that aren’t “perfect” or when I experience a set back. I have a kinder, more encouraging intentional thought process as well.
— Brittaney

2021 Results:

Legacy Triathlon: 1st Overall

USAT Nationals: 3rd AG

70.3 Worlds: 12th AG

Ironman Indiana: 2nd AG, 4th Overall


But don’t take their word for it.

It’s time you create what you want.

Let’s get there together.