IronWomen Podcast: TRAIN YOUR MIND // Goal Investments

This week on the Train Your Mind Mini Series Vanessa is asking us what we are willing to invest to reach our goals. She explains that time is not the only investment that we need to achieve a goal; there are three other investments that are just as important, and the one that is most overlooked may not be what you think. Vanessa offers us questions to ask ourselves when figuring out the investment that we are willing to make in a goal.

Vanessa is providing IronWomen listeners an opportunity to deep dive into this at her Train Your Mind workshop: 5 Bold Steps to Set Goals You Actually Achieve on Wednesday, 12/30 at 4pm MT/6pm ET. Register for the workshop here:

IronWomen Podcast: TRAIN YOUR MIND // Are You Injured, Fatigued or Just Bored?

In episode 10 of the Train Your Mind Mini Series Vanessa is teaching us how to navigate the space between injury, fatigue and boredom. She explains that it is about having an awareness of what you are feeling physically and experiencing mentally, and gives us three steps to take when we are trying to decide if we need to pull back because of a potential injury or push through a bit of fatigue. Vanessa also explains why boredom is not a problem, and tells us how it can actually be helpful. As a takeaway for this week, Vanessa gives us three simple and necessary questions to ask to navigate if we’re injured, fatigued or just bored.

IronWomen Podcast: TRAIN YOUR MIND // How to Fuel Motivation

In episode nine of the Train Your Mind Mini Series, Vanessa covers the hot topic of motivation. Whether you’re feeling motivated these days or not, there is something for everyone in this episode. She reminds us that an ebb and flow of motivation is normal. Tune in because Vanessa explains the three things you must do to get motivated and stay motivated.

IronWomen Podcast: TRAIN YOUR MIND // Mind Your Controllables

To say that this year has been a global rollercoaster ride is a massive understatement, and we are all feeling it. There are so many things out of our control, but this week on the Train Your Mind Mini Series Vanessa is reminding us that we do have controllables. She put this framework into three buckets of influence; things that we have no control over, things that we have partial control over, and the things that we have complete control over. Vanessa highlights this lesson through the experience of one of her athletes, and teaches us how we can move from out of control to in control of our choices and actions.

IronWomen Podcast: TRAIN YOUR MIND // Don't Fear Fear

We are back for another week of the Train Your Mind Mini Series with Vanessa Foerster. In episode 7 Vanessa reminds us not to fear fear. She uncovers what she has learned about why some people are more affected by fear than others, and gives us both the “dictionary” definition of fear as well as the mental endurance definition. Vanessa teaches us how to simplify fear, and explains why it is important not to fear fear, but to use it as fuel instead.

IronWomen Podcast: TRAIN YOUR MIND // Listener Q&A

Welcome to episode 6 of the Train Your Mind Mini Series! Vanessa starts us off this week with a recap of all of her mini series episodes, and then dives right in to answering all of our listener questions. She covers topics from dwelling on the past, training with others faster than you, handling negative thoughts, and falling short on goals.

IronWomen Podcast: TRAIN YOUR MIND // Reframe Belief

In episode five of the Train Your Mind mini series Vanessa is teaching us how to reframe belief and how belief relates to mental endurance. She explains how belief plays into who we are, and why that matters. 

What we believe about ourselves will indicate how we show up and what we achieve. Vanessa teaches us to think about belief as a dimmer switch that we can gradually make brighter to change what we believe about ourselves, and she gives us her 4 steps to reframing belief.

IronWomen Podcast: TRAIN YOUR MIND // Goal Setting to Goal Getting

In episode four of our Train You Mind mini series Vanessa is teaching us her best tips on goal setting, and she talks us through the process of goal setting to goal getting. We learn what happens to our brain on goals, and why goal setting is so important. Vanessa also tells us why so many of us resist setting those big, scary, audacious goals, and what we can offer to our brain to get around these obstacles. Then she gives us four concrete steps to make our goals a reality.