IWD 2019

March 8th marks International Women’s Day. This year was extra special because it was my first IWD celebrated while living in Bozeman. This town is special, especially when it comes to phenomenal female leaders. I feel honored to be among a group of women passionate about connecting and supporting the community.

Our local lululemon store stole the show by celebrating Bozeman women in their display windows for IWD:


Again, honored is an understatement.

I believe so strongly in the lululemon IWD campaign: how will you spend the other 364 days?

Because IWD is a day to celebrate the work that happens the other 364 days of the year.

Gender equality doesn’t live in one day, or one action, or one wave of a magic wand. Its the way that you lead tiny little revolutions day after day after day after day.

We get to s t a n d f o r e q u a l i t y everyday. How will you show up the other 364?