July 1st, 2019. Woah! How did we get here so fast?!
Today is day one of the second half of the year. A day to asses how far we’ve come in the first half of the year and a day to open up to how much possibility remains in the second half of the year.
I hope you find a balance in what you’ve accomplished so far this year and what you want to accomplish in the remainder of the year.
One of my goals for the remainder of the year (and beyond!) is to provide more value to the world. Specifically related to mindset training. I feel so fortunate to work with athletes the way that I do and my hope is to extend my reach a little further! With that being said, today is day one of my 30 blogs in 30 days project!
Each day this month, I will provide a short, easily digestible blog post with actionable information around performance mindset training. Topics will vary and questions are always welcome!
I’m excited to provide some juicy goods to help elevate not just your athletic potential, but your life. Stay tuned!
Up first tomorrow: The #1 thing that elevated my game at 2019 Ironman 70.3 Coeur d’Alene