Racing is a Self Concept // Pt. One

If you’ve been sleeping through the first two months of the year, you might not be aware that March 1st is this Sunday. Wait, whaaaaat? Where did the first two months of 2020 go?? As we move closer and closer to those months that scream “Spring is in the air!” (not really here in Montana, but I like to believe that’s the case elsewhere!), we know that means early season races are just around the corner too.

I decided to celebrate the look ahead to race season with a two-parter blog post related to racing and how to cultivate who you want to be on race day.

Here’s the most important thing to know:

Who you are as a triathlete, while racing, matters.

Who was I last year when I crossed the finish line to my first Kona qualification?

The 30-34 age group winner. That was my truth.

Because I can handle anything on race day. I do not back down when things get hard. I am always in the drivers seat.

I am a phenomenal problem solver. Ask anyone. They will tell you. I will tell you.

It’s who I am. This is what I do. I live to race.

Guess what? You can believe this about yourself too. You don’t need to have a crazy mechanical on your A race to prove it. You also don’t have to race several times a year to prove it.

The more you believe you are good at racing, the more you will love it, and then the more you will be good at it. Not the other way around.

Stop hoping that doubt won’t creep in or nerves won’t show up. Decide who you are despite those things.

The question is: what are you telling you about your racing?

You are always the story you tell yourself about yourself. And news flash: the story that’s useful to creating the result you want has nothing to do with past race results.

Shift away from the has been into the what can be.

So, I ask again…what are you telling you about your racing?

Make it good because your finish line is waiting.