The secret to unlocking my first Ironman podium

Ah that post race bliss: sore all over, chafing everywhere, full-on blisters, insatiable appetite, and a grateful heart.

Part of me wants to say that this years edition of Ironman Chattanooga was my hardest Ironman race thus far, except thats not entirely accurate. Ironman is always hard. And hard is relative. In past Ironman races, I’ve dealt with adverse weather conditions, bike mechanical, nutrition and GI issues, all of which make the day more challenging.

What was different this race? Circumstances were neutral. My effort was dictated more by my brain than my body.

For those familiar with my blog, hi again! For those new around here, welcome! Three things you should know about me before moving on: I love triathlon. I set big, scary goals and live in possibility. I believe we all have the power to train our brains to create more of what we want in life.

I am so so proud to be an example of all of this.


Around this time last year when I decided to race IM Chattanooga again, I set my sights on a HUGE goal. Big enough that every time I thought about it in those beginning weeks, I got butterflies in my stomach. I decided this: I am the 30-34 age group champion at Ironman Chattanooga 2019. I set my goal and I got to work proving it true.

The work showed up daily. In the same way that I trained my body to withstand more and more swimbikerun discomfort in the form of volume or intensity, I trained my brain to withstand more mental discomfort in the form of fear, doubt and negative self talk. In the same way that I referenced Training Peaks for my training session of the day, I referenced my thought notebook for my mental training practice of the day. I showed up for the work daily.

As triathletes, we all follow the same formula: Training stress + Recovery = Adaptation

Most only think about this as it relates to the physical training, but the same is the case for mental training! I’ve shared some of my struggles in past blogs: the beliefs I needed to question, the limiting beliefs I let go of and what I believed intentionally instead. Consistency over time yields results.

The most important training days were the ones I didn’t want to do because I was tired, fatigued, bored or just over it. Those were the most important because they challenged my commitment and put me right up against my brain’s desire to take the easy route. Every day I showed up for myself and my goal. Note: this also meant I was hyper aware of needing to recover and eat well too. When race day arrived, it was just one more (long!) day to show up fully committed and present.

In the last few weeks leading up to the race, my coach Haley and I addressed the temperatures differences between Bozeman and Chattanooga…a consistent 30-40 degree difference! Bozeman was moving into fall and Chattanooga was holding onto those summer vibes. We came up with a 7 day heat training protocol that would help with adaptation without impacting my last big sessions. I have no doubt the protocol was helpful for my body to feel the extended rise in core temperature, but what was more impactful was Haley telling me this: “you don’t have to be good at racing in the heat if you’re good at managing the heat!” This simple statement meant all the difference. The interesting thing is that her statement is not a fact everyone would agree on, but when she shared it with me, I chose to believe it. And it can be that easy. I knew race day would heat up to the hottest day I’ve experienced this entire year, but I was here for it all. Here for the discomfort because I trained for it, it didn’t matter in what form the discomfort showed up.



Downriver swim. Non wetsuit (thank goodness because the water was hot!).

I lined up in the back of the 60min and under group because I knew I belonged there. I have felt more uncomfortable in the pool this year than ever before. I have chased swim intervals I never thought possible. I needed to replicate that feeling and hold on to it. Proud to say that was my best effort in an Ironman swim to date. I even drafted a bit on the second half when I could tell my energy was fading and that’s a big win for me! I was committed to finishing this first leg of the race strong and controlled.

What I told myself: HEAD DOWN, EFFORT UP.



Rolling hills. Heat. Wind. I knew I needed to be meticulous in my hydration, nutrition and cooling practices. First up: HYDRATION. After a hot swim (81 degrees!), I was ready to feel some breeze on the bike and get on top of my hydration. I have been training to race with heart rate as a measure of effort, but that wasn’t in the cards on the day as my heart rate monitor would not connect. I settled in and committed to racing by feel. I stayed connected to my effort, pushed moderately into the wind/uphills and stayed consistent on the downhills. I knew the first 3 hours were just a build up to the last 2.5-3 hours and I was mentally preparing for any downturn.

Rolling through Chickamauga, I was so excited to see Danny and my in-laws. It was a real energy boost and proved to be crucial to my second bike loop. When I passed Danny I told him I didn’t have heart rate and was racing by feel to which he responded, “manage the heat, you’re doing great!” I proceeded to tell myself exactly what Danny said nearly every minute for the next 50 miles. When the heat set in more and the wind picked up, it was all about heat management, managing my effort for the hot marathon to come, and remembering that everyone on course felt the same heat and wind. Manage the heat, you’re doing great! Manage the heat, you’re doing great! This was where some would break, but not me. I trained hard.

The last 10 miles required more mental energy that the whole of the first 100 miles. I wanted to get to transition, sit in a pool of ice and move onto my favorite part of the race. I was undoubtedly hot and fatigued, but there was so much race ahead of me and that was my motivation to keep driving forward. (Note: there was no pool of ice to sit in in transition! :)

What I told myself: I train hard. Everyone is managing the same heat and wind. Manage the heat, you’re doing great.



Hills. Heat. Heat. Hills. I told Danny I wanted to know at the first run aid station where I stood in age group standings. He was SO excited after my swim that he prematurely let me know I was top 10 age group out of the water :) I knew I had passed at least 6 people in my age group on the bike, but I wasn’t for sure where I stood. When I got to the top of the first hill and Danny shared I was 2nd age group, I was almost in disbelief.

In all my visualizations of the race, I anticipated needing to run down at least 7 other females! There was just 1 ahead of me and she was 8min ahead. That’s not a lot of time in Ironman, especially on a hot day. My focus: stay smart, stay in control, use the aid stations and keep moving with purpose. I would be lying if I said I ever felt good on the run. Anything that came up required a problem solve. Feeling hot? Make it to the aid station and get as much cold liquid and ice as possible. Feeling the onset of cramping? Take Gatorade Endurance at every aid station for the sodium to keep the cramping at bay. Feeling like the aid stations are getting further apart? They’re not. That’s your mind trying to play tricks on you. You can run a mile at a time.

Danny was giving me updates on my age group standing regularly. I would lose time then gain it back. She and I were holding steady. I wanted her to race well as much as I wanted the second loop to break her spirit. I didn’t know her name while racing, but I knew her number. #822 was who I was going after. She was having a good day so far and was giving me the race I dreamed of!

Most aid stations looked like this: me covering myself with everything cold, needing the full aid station to get everything I needed and then willing myself to start running with purpose again. And when Danny was there, he kept me motivated with time splits, reminders of the hard work I’ve done and check ins from friends back home (including a FaceTime run-by with Haley!). I ran aid station to aid station. If I could see the aid station, I could run to it. And if I couldn’t see it yet, it was just around the next corner.


Honestly, I waited for the mile when it would get easier, but it never came. I was fighting to close the gap, but not making progress because #822 was holding strong. 3rd place was charging so there was no relief. I couldn’t wait to get off the highway section and then I couldn’t wait to get off the boardwalk. The hills were my flavor of pain and I knew I would run them no matter what, I just hoped my running them would close the time gap quicker. When it became clear I was not catching #822 for the age group win, I focused on fighting my fight to the end. I am so grateful for the true race and for the fight in #822, she was simply the better athlete on day!

What I told myself: Running off the bike is where I shine. Hot is just another word for hard and I train hard. If I can see the aid station, I can run to it.


I showed up to this particular start line with a clear goal, but ultimately the treasure was in the effort because I knew I would feel acceptance of any outcome as long as my personal effort was there. This is who I am: someone who will never give less than what I’m capable and able.

The final 3 miles were so incredibly painful. I closed 4 minutes in the last 5k. A fight. To the finish.

So that’s it. That’s 11+ hours wrapped up in a few paragraphs. Notice the theme above: in every.single. leg of the race my brain led the way. I talked to myself more than I listened to myself. I expanded my mental capacity then used every ounce of that space to propel me forward. I was in the drivers seat of this wildly fun experiment called racing an Ironman. Regardless of the goal, race related or life related, this is my message: YOU CAN DO THIS TOO! Because I am not a special unicorn. I am just willing to do the work.

2nd Age Group // 7th Overall Amateur Female

2nd Age Group // 7th Overall Amateur Female

When I crossed the finish line, my first thought was “WE did it!

Because I would not have made it to the finish line without so many others. Ironman is a special sport, the individual effort is enhanced by the collective.

Danny, you deserve a shiny gold star! Thank you for the love and support in all forms.

Thank you to my in-laws for making the trip to Chattanooga again! I think this year was much more exciting than last year :)

Thank you to my mom for the unwavering support for this crazy sport I love! You made sure I ate enough and really well in the last build. Thank you for that.

Thank you to all of the members and family at Orangetheory Fitness Bozeman for all of the orange energy before and during the race. Some kind of magic. I felt it all day.

Massive thanks to my coach Haley Chura for the guidance, creativity in workouts and willingness to entertain my goal. I might be turning into a swimmer!

Lastly, thank you to Bethany Rutledge and Skye Moench for giving me something extra to race for. Bethany, you are a guiding light even though you don’t grace this earth anymore. Every Barton Road climb was for you #milesforbethany. Skye, I will be your #fangirl for life. Whether you’re winning races or recovering from your unfortunate crash, I am inspired by you through and through. I put a little extra #gritforskye into this one.

#822 has a name and its Anna! She’s pretty great. Thank you for a great RACE Anna!

#822 has a name and its Anna! She’s pretty great. Thank you for a great RACE Anna!



A Kona qualification was not my #1 goal coming in, but I can’t pass up an opportunity to party on the Big Island! Talk about hot, windy, hard racing….Kona is the ultimate destination. I cannot wait to challenge myself on the World Championship course!

Here for it all.