As I write this, I’m 20 days from race day! 20 days! I’ve got a few more big sessions before taper time, a few more sessions to build fitness. And one of those big sessions was last Saturday: a long run with about 1,500ft of climbing.
This was the second time I ran this particular hilly route and I knew from the first time that miles 6-7 were the toughest. Two back-to-back hills that never seemed to end! When I got to those miles last Saturday, I thought to myself:
Why doesn’t this feel better? Why can’t this feel good?
And then very soon after I had that thought I realized this:
It’s not supposed to feel good or easy.
Because everything after the work is what feels good: increased self esteem, increased self confidence, sleeping better, increased energy, better relationships, reaching any intangible or tangible goal. The work is what’s due to get to the good stuff. The work is not supposed to feel good.
As soon as I came to terms with that at mile 7ish and allowed that truth to exist, I released control. Don’t misunderstand me, the run didn’t get any easier at that point. But I let go, put my head down and kept working. I finished my long run strong, mentally and physically, knowing that I’ll reap the benefits of every single hard mile on race day. What will feel good for me is crossing my Ironman finish line as the first female in the 30-34 age group. Suffering through hard miles last Saturday is worth that.
If doesn't feel good or easy, don’t stop. The feel good effects are earned, not given. Worth it, not easy.