endurance training

Forward Progress

Forward Progress

And so my hope is to always be a source of perspective - positive, but also human - on how to view the world and our role in it. Take it or leave it. If you’re willing to dig in, you will find that you always know the answer and you’re always right.

When it comes to situations like what we are facing these days, when you are able to go through these new and different circumstances and use it as a opportunity to process emotion, you will come out on the other side a stronger person AND athlete.

If we're drawn to the challenge, why do we quit?

If we're drawn to the challenge, why do we quit?

If you look around a race course you’ll notice that triathlon draws in a certain type of person, especially long course triathlon.

We’re eager and committed.

Hard working and driven.

Focused and relentless in the pursuit.

Most of us exemplify these qualities in many other areas of our lives. And at first glance these qualities scream high-performing goal achiever.

So if these are character traits we embody, why do we quit when things get hard?