My Future Story

My future story has yet to be written in the world, but it does exist in my mind. I’m doing the work to bring it to life and some days are easier than others. On February 14th, 2019, I wrote the letter below from my future self. The power behind it still surprises me as I get emotional every time I read it! It’s a great reminder of the wisdom of my future self on the days when my goals seem further away.

I decided to put it out in the world to hold myself accountable to what I want AND to inspire someone else to believe so strongly in a future that doesn’t yet exist.

A letter from my future self:


I am you, only 5 years in the future. It’s 2024, your life coaching business is thriving, your race results are the best they’ve ever been and the relationships that mean the most to you are grounded, real, and full of love. You’re still a rocking OTF coach and those connections fill you up daily - you are making an impact in your own community and outside of it.

The angst you feel to get here is not worth the stress because, as you know, life is 50/50. There are new, different stresses at this point. Don’t fret, it’s all part of the wild ride called life.

Keep going after creating your space. Keep answering yes. Keep showing up and trying your best. Stop trying to have the right answer or all of the answers because you never will.

Money stress is a waste of energy. You always find a way because you’re resourceful and passionate. Keep your eye on the prize, take risks, give it all away, and believe that anything is possible (because it is!).

You are an example of taking massive action to create a life you love. Keep going.

The answer to how is yes.



Starting from the end and working backwards. This letter is an example of living from a future focused state of mind. Next post I’ll dig into past focused vs. future focused, the power of both and where to create the results you want!