My Time

As an example followup to my posts about time management and creating more time, I decided to share how I approach my schedule each week to ensure I get everything done.

The short of it: I live by my calendar.

Every Sunday or Monday, I take the time to schedule my week in iCal on my phone. This includes OTF coaching, other studio commitments, calls, appointments, business needs, triathlon training, free time, date night, errands, household responsibilities, basically anything and everything. I schedule it all for the entire week. By Sunday or Monday, I know most of what needs to get done that week so I am able to see the full week ahead and plan everything as needed.

After my schedule is set for the week, I very very very rarely make changes to it. It needs to be an emergent situation for me to change my schedule.

I commit to following through on what I said I would do when I said I would do it. This commitment is mostly to myself, but I believe that’s the most important commitment of all.

When I say I “schedule my week,” I do not mean I make a to-do list. To-do lists are so 2015. A running list of all the things that need to get done that just keeps getting pushed off for another time/day/week/month are not productive.

The magic is in the scheduling - including start times, end times, how long everything will take, and based on results that will be created in that time.

For example, these blogs are scheduled to be written everyday. One hour is allotted at varying times depending on what else I have going on. At the end of the hour, my blog post is complete. No exceptions because I am committed to being productive in the hour to produce quality work and not allow it to take up more time than is necessary.

Similarly (and a bit easier to relate to), I have my triathlon training scheduled each day. If I have a one hour run scheduled at 6am, I complete the run within the hour beginning at 6am. I don’t decide “well it was supposed to be one hour, but I think I’ll run for 15 minutes, scroll Instagram for 30min then starting running again, then do some laundry and extend the run over two hours.” Committing to the result I want to create (a blog post or a completed run) within the planned time allows me to free up other valuable time, be significantly more productive and avoid the pit of indecision/confusion.

Here’s the most important reason why this works: planning and scheduling requires us to use of the prefrontal cortex part of the brain. This is the more evolved side of the brain that thinks critically and uses logic. When we plan and schedule we use our prefrontal cortex and when we stick to our planned schedule, we keep the prefrontal cortex in charge. If we allow our day to be dictated by how we feel or what we want to do in the moment, that’s giving power to our primitive brain. This is the part of the brain that gives into temptation and makes rash decisions.

Productivity comes from the prefrontal cortex. And the feeling of accomplishment that is paired with doing what you said you would do when you said you would do it feeds the brain and creates the desire to repeat the pattern.

This process has changed my life. It has allowed me to get more hours out of the day, create more, stay in integrity with myself and others, maintain boundaries, be more present in my triathlon training and so much more. It’s so simple, yet so powerful! Anyone can follow this same process, regardless of what the responsibilities and commitments are. It’s habits like these that lead to high performance.

Well, my one hour is up :) time to post this, get to bed and rest for my 10am ride start tomorrow morning. My calendar says so.