Confidence // Pt. Two will have to wait until tomorrow because today’s training was just too good not to share!
Most of us experience the highs and lows of triathlon training. There are high highs and low lows. But that’s what keeps us coming back for more. We wouldn’t know the highs without the lows!
Today was a good day. But not because I rode fast, held high watts, or ran super fast off the bike. It was good because I was present, took in the views, nailed my nutrition/ hydration and simply enjoyed the day. And that’s worth celebrating.
I got to ride one of my favorite roads today: Beartooth Highway. Views like this from top to bottom:
I rode from Red Lodge, Montana to Beartooth Pass and back. 62 miles and about 6,000 ft of elevation gain.
The day started with a man sharing an unexpected random act of kindness by secretly buying my breakfast.
The ride included not only amazing views, but so many people sharing supportive honks, waves, thumbs up and just overall excitement for me as they drove past. It was like they all felt a part of my story. And they were.
The day ended with a short run off the bike in downtown Red Lodge, filled with so many people enjoying the gorgeous weather. So much love for small town Montana.
Lesson learned: not everyday has to be about pace, watts or Strava segments. Some of the best days are about presence and plain gratitude.