Coaching vs. Therapy

What's the difference between therapy and life coaching?

I love this question and I’m grateful to have found another coach who articulates the difference so well! Here is a great comparison from Katherine Purser:

What's the difference between therapy and life coaching?

This is the way I like to think of it:⁣

A life coach to a therapist is like a physical therapist to an orthopedic doc. Both are valuable and both serve important roles in health. ⁣

If you had a torn ACL you'd see the orthopedic doc. If you have knee pain from squatting or life in general, you'd see a physical therapist to assess your movement patterns.⁣

Life coaching works primarily with emotionally well people and helps with creating results they want in life by identifying thought habits keeping them stuck. We improve confidence, self-worth, relationships. We focus more on the present and future goals and client-empowered solutions.

Therapy often focuses on using the past to understand the present and can help those with clinically diagnosed mental and emotional health illnesses.⁣

You can see more of Katherine work and words here:

I cannot speak highly enough about the value of the education I received from The Life Coach School. I have chosen to take my life coaching education and specifically apply it to athletes via performance mindset training. The same description above is relevant to those that I work with: emotionally well people who are seeking help creating the results they want in their lives. This work is so rewarding and powerful. If you’re interested in learning more about what I do, click the Learn More button below to schedule a free mini session .