A blog a day for 30 days was a project I planned to start several times before I actually launched it on July 1st. These last 30 days have been a fun experiment in creating, writing, committing and following through! It’s pretty amazing to challenge yourself to do something outside of your comfort zone and then at some point along the way, watch that thing transition into something you enjoy.
These blogs will continue weekly from now on and each week they will be published on Wednesday (because #nevermissawednesday!).
I’m excited to continue to share tidbits of knowledge that have helped me and I hope will help others create more of what they truly want in their lives. If you want something bad enough and are willing to get uncomfortable, nothing is too good to be true.
If you’ve followed along these last 30 days and are ready to take the next step, let’s chat! It’s one thing to consume knowledge and it’s a whole other world to truly put it into practice.
Sometimes the first step is the hardest part. But hard things make us grow into the person and athlete we want to be.
I’ll leave you with this: whatever you are, be decisive in it. Don’t waste time in wonder or worry. Take the next step and watch your life unfold.