I’m going to share a secret about emotions with you. You ready? Buckle up and listen up.
"How are you?"
As children, no one teaches us how to experience emotions, understand emotions or talk about emotions. We end up locked in a grid of sad, mad, happy or glad.
Think about the last time someone asked you, “how are you?” Was your answer a descriptive word for the exact emotion you were experiencing? Or a generic “good” then an explanation as to why?
AKA My Mind
When I share about my time, really what I’m sharing about is my mind. Because time management is about mind management. Time is time. It’s neutral and means nothing on its own. My personal mind management and self coaching is a work in progress, but my thoughts on time have evolved and I’m proud of the progress I’ve made.
My Time
"I'm not built like a runner."
Create More Time
In order to produce more, you need to get good at planning and following through on your plans. Whether it’s your training schedule, meal prepping, foam rolling, learning a new language or going grocery shopping, plan your time, learn how to be uncomfortable and do what needs to be done anyway.
This is NOT another time management tool (friendly reminder: time management isn’t a thing). This is another way to train your brain by giving it direction.